Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dem Hunger

Listening to London's 'Dem Hunger' is like listening to a spliced 70's Maliwood movie and a screwed up Super Nintendo game. Its incredibly atmospheric. Contorted melody's and rhythm shifts run rampant through 'Hunger's' music. "Red Arsehole Ra," is hands down the most captivating tracks I've heard all year. Somehow broken measures and contorted bass claps create something so passionate, so soulful, I'm having trouble putting it into words. Snag "Red Arsehole Ra," "Charles Shit," and "Bathtub Birth" all after the jump.

Dem Hunger - Red Arsehole Ra

Dem Hunger - Charles Shit

Dem Hunger - Bathtub Birth

'Dem' is on a bunch of mixtapes available at his Myspace.


JeffGoldblumLife said...

dudes - look out for new music from many of the dudes yall been bloggin about on Volume 2 of the Friendship Bracelet Club compilation series (ie: dem hunger, tan dollar, big troubles, wild safari etc etc etc) its gona be HUGE

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